Import your first data
Your data is scattered in different places (SaaS apps and databases). Let's bring them all in Selfr.
Top use case: Nearly all your metrics needs to combine data from different sources. For example, to assess an overview of your marketing campaign performance, you'll need to combine data from Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram.
- In the click Home page or on the side bar, click on
- Then click on the "+" button in the top right-hand corner
- Then choose one of the 150+ connectors available.
- Then click on the chosen connector and fill the required information.

Tip: We advise to first start by connecting to a Web app (like Hubspot, Google Analytics, etc.) Connecting to a database usually requires a little bit more time to get credentials.
Info: once you have added a Source, you need to wait some itme (minutes to hours, depending on your source and volumne of data to ingest). You can always the status of your Source in the Source page.
No source? No problem! You can always upload flat files (csv or Excel) to start analysing your data. Or you can even use the demo data we integrate in each deployment.