Getting started

Create your first transform


Transforms can be SQL or low code

A Transform is where you define your data operations.

To create a new Transform:

  • In the Home page or on the side bar, click on Transforms
  • Then click on the "+" button in the top right-hand corner
  • Please enter the name of your Transform, for example, Sales_clean
  • Choose the type of transform between Staging, Intermediary and Marts
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How to choose betwenn Staging, Intermediary and Marts?

Staging is for transforms that perform simple operations from raw data (like drop columns, cast columns, etc.)

Intermediary is for transforms that perform logic operations but where result tables are not to be shared with business users

Marts are for transform where result tables are to be shared with business users.

Transform with SQL

You can write SQL in the code editor, then hit the Run button and see the results.

Insert table names

On the left panel, you can see all the tables from your Data Warehouse. Simply navigate in your Data Warehouse, or search for a table, and hit the arrow on the right. This will insert the table name.

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Insert columns names

On the left panel, you can see all the columns for a table. Simply use the arrow to insert all columns names.

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Tip: If you filter the columns with the filter box, then use the arrow, it will insert only the filtered columns. This can be super useful!

Save your query

Running your query only shows you the result. Once you're happy with your query, click on the Save button. This will effectively add your Transform in your pipelines.

Transform with low code coming soon